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Pantene bringing art to life for Miami Art Basel.

Art as a woman
The Idea:
Create an experience beyond shampoo and conditioner that help all kinds of women with all kinds of hair to feel like a master piece.
Pantene decided to connect art with beauty by creating an experience at Art Basel where consumers will have the opportunity to get their hair done while enjoying exhibitions and at the same time feel like part of it.

Women will be able to choose their hair style from the most famous art pieces and the team of Pantene's professionals will make it happen.

There will be different set designs to pick from and take a memorable photo.

Night time neon art installation

The stylist will use Neon Hair Spray for the black light night party.
In order to express Pantene's love for art we have decided to create an art installation for the black light party. It will be lighten up from the bottom with neon and when people will stand next to it, their hair will glow.

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