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I need space! 👽
Very often people say “I need space” but why you don’t need space from your dog, cat or plants etc...Let's dig dipper.
The different between being with your dog and a person is that you can be completely yourself and do what ever you want to do. Means you act differently when you are alone and around people, this can make you feel exhausted. Basically other people are trigger for you not to be yourself. It’s like suddenly the minute another person steps into the room you are loosing yourself, touch with what you need and what you want. So the only way to get the sense of yourself back is to push people away.
If you can be completely yourself around other people you will not need space to yourself.
I can have myself and I can have you too!
In relationships there will be time when your wants and needs don’t match and it’s totally ok. You don’t have to abandoned yourself because of that.
If you start working on your authenticity, keeping yourself around others but people won’t like it, means it’s time to let them go. That means they are in love with your mask but not real you. The good thing- when you let those people go, other people will show up, they will love you for the way you are and you will not need space from them. Just be open💓 #beyourself

Stop Motion Video for Pride Month

Hand-drawn animation for Bacardi


Splash screen for an App

Promo Video for Modern OM

LG+Star Wars
Concept of the video for LG
with integration of Star Wars.
MMA Masters
Concept of the video for MMA MASTERS Miami.
From HEINZ with love
Stop Motion
FLIES Animated Joke
SMOOTHIE Stop Motion
One of the things I enjoy doing is creating fun videos.
There is something magical and fascinating about it. How you can turn your breakfast into a story.

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