Candy Crush is helping RMHC to make Halloween possible.
Helping a sick child fight their illness takes a big enough emotional toll on a family. These children often spend days, weeks, or months in the hospital fighting for their life.
They miss out on normal holidays including Halloween.
Candy Crush is one of the top gross-revenue earnings app for mobile in the four years. To help RMHC Candy Crush will partner with them to create a special candy for Halloween so when people buy the candy on the app real candy goes to kids who can't treat-or-treat.
RMHC + Candy Crush party!
Organize a Candy Crush costume contest. Winners will get free candies inside of an app to play as well, so kids can enjoy the holidays to the fullest. All real candies will be given by people wearing Candy Crush costumes.

Art direction:
Oxana Luk
Anna Cevallos

For blind kids Candy Crush will have a special surprise:
Candy Crush Cube (CCC)